Reflecting back on my own personal as well as business life I have found that one of the most important aspects of building solid relationships and strong teams is having a servant’s heart toward others. A servant’s heart is a heart ready to put the interests of others first and one looking for opportunities to serve. When approaching any problem, project or opportunity look to ask, “where can I help?”.

This approach insures that others come away feeling like you care and you’re not focused only on your own performance. This is especially true in our approach to those in authority. Those in authority have been given the responsibility to provide a vision within that vision identify tasks that need to be completed. Each person’s role is to help accomplish the goal / task with the gifts and talents that each person has been given. Having a servant’s heart may not bring short term applause but always brings long term success and significance. Look to serve others with patience as you build respect, insight and credibility.