Accepting Responsibility

Accepting Responsibility

One of the most important parts of leadership is accepting responsibility for problems under that manager’s or leader’s area of responsibility. Often in business a mindset is developed that is more about protecting turf instead of being honest and stepping up and assume responsibility. This attitude can permeate the department or even corporation where employees won’t feel that they can admit what they’ve done due to fear of repercussion. This climate may work for a while but in the end it’s hurting everyone. In this climate no one sees a problem as learning experiences but instead as an issues to run from. Defensiveness can take place where the true facts are never uncovered and learnt from. This is an area where the leadership can make a huge difference. Instead of fearing problems, embrace them. Know they are part of the learning and growing process for everyone on the team. Leaders who do so will reap intangible benefits as their employees begin to trust that management is on their side. Don’t be afraid to accept responsibility when things don’t go they way you’d like them to. Consider it an opportunity for a learning experience!